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School Update - COVID-19 Precautionary Measures

10th June 2020

We were informed this morning that a child in one of our bubbles is displaying symptoms of Coronavirus (Covid-19). This child's sibling and their mum are also part of the school community so we closed three bubbles today as a precautionary measure.

We have spoken with Public Health England and it has advised us that as the child wasn't at school when they were symptomatic, the bubbles can reopen following the deep clean that we are doing today.

The current advice from Public Health England is that the child with symptoms will isolate for seven days and be tested. The other members in the household should self-isolate for fourteen days. Should the child test positive, Public Health England will carry out track and trace.

As we wait to discover the result of the test, it is your decision if you want to send your child back to school. Please let us know if you are happy for your child to return so we can get an idea of numbers.

We would also encourage you all to remind your children about social distancing and washing their hands regularly.

It is also important to highlight if your child does develop symptoms then you should register to have them tested within three days of them developing the symptoms:

You may wish to read further information here:

Please contact us at if you have any questions.