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School Council

The main aims of the school council are to give our children a say and an opinion on the daily running of the school, as well as teaching them how to be a citizen in a wider community.

Each class has two representatives who are fairly voted in at the start of the school year, demonstrating the British Value of democracy. These representatives collect feedback on a range of topics from their peers in their respective classes, and then share with the school council in half-termly meetings. This allows all children in the school to have the chance to share their thoughts and feelings on various topics such as: how they feel in school, if they have any concerns or questions, or if they have any suggestions to improve the running of the school.

Four members of the council hold the roles of Chair, Vice Chair, Bursar and Secretary, meaning the running of each meeting is handed over to the children, allowing them more ownership and responsibility.  The Chair asks questions and directs the order of the meeting, supported by the Vice Chair. The Secretary takes the minutes of the meeting to keep a record of what is discussed. Finally, the Bursar is responsible for any monetary elements, such as fundraising or spending of funds.