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Wraparound care – before and after school

We are extremely pleased to be able to offer before and after school provision for all of our children at Gaywood Primary.

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club runs from 7:30am until 8:30am when children are able to go into their classrooms before registration at 8:45am.   Each session costs £2.90 and includes hot and cold breakfast and drinks prepared on site by our dedicated cook.  Our own teaching assistants run the sessions where children can eat from a selection of food and take part in calming activities before the start of the school day.  Younger children are escorted to their classrooms at the end of the session.

Our parents are free to book in advance or turn up on the day via the side entrance of the hall, payment is via Parent Pay.

After School Provision

We have enhanced our after school offering from just sporting and art activities to a provision where all age groups of children are able to attend in a calm relaxed atmosphere.  Children can complete their homework, read or other calming activities from the end of school until 4pm.  Children can be picked up at the end of the day from the small hall area.  The cost of this provision is £3 per session, payment is via Parent Pay.